blackhead on lip

How to treat Blackhead on Lip

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Blackhead on Lip
In many women, this skin spot may appear temporary or remain on your lip permanently. Sun, hormonal change or pregnancy can cause these Blackhead on lip and there are different methods to get rid of them.
We have explained in this blog that how blackhead on lip is formed and how to remove them. And get rid, once and for all, of the most hated spot by women.

They are known as melasma and appear because this area of the face is very delicate. And even more sensitive if you are used to epilating this area. Blackhead on lip is among the most difficult to remove and have the bad habit of becoming chronic stains. There are however professional treatments and home remedies that, used regularly, will clarify the area.
To avoid this blackhead on lip, it is necessary to scrub your lips on regular basis.Regardless of the time of year, summer or winter. And to remove your lips makeup before going to bed. Because lipsticks contain lead. For this read our blog Lead in lipstick.

The causes of Blackhead on Lip
We now point out the most common causes of the appearance of black spots on the lip.
One of the causes is that you have not remove your lip makeup before bed. If you are taking oral contraceptives, they too can also play on how your skin assimilates the sun rays to which it is exposed.
Hormonal disorders during puberty, pregnancy or menopause can also promote the appearance of spots in the skin.
Using bronzing creams or cosmetics containing tar-derived compounds can also cause black spots on the lip.

Say goodbye to brown spots with lemon
If you want to know how to eliminate brown spots at the level of the lip you should use a lemon. As it is a very effective natural depigmenting agent. To thin the skin and work to eliminate this damned stain. Simply dilute a lemon in half a glass of water and apply it every night on the affected area. You can use it on your whole face as well.
Let it act while you sleep and, the next morning, wash your face with plenty of water and then apply your daily moisturizer balm. To be able to eliminate Blackhead on lip by following this method. It is important to be conscientious and do this little ritual every night.

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blackhead on lip


Blackhead on lip

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A house mask with oxygenated water to combat stains
Another way to know how to remove blackhead on lip is by preparing homemade masks. Here we show you how to make one with oxygenated water.

Ingredients are:

2 teaspoons of powdered milk

20 drops of hydrogen peroxide

2 drops of glycerine

To prepare the mask you will need to mix all the ingredients in a container until a dough forms.You will need to apply the mixture to the iip using cotton. Allow this mask to work for 5 minutes and rinse with plenty of water. If you repeat this operation every day, you will be able to clear the black spot.
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